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African American’s portrayal in comic books is as varied as their portrayal in other popular media. The misrepresentations run the gamut in all mediums; from casual, ignorant racist stereotype to outright re-writing of important chapters of black history in an effort to fully dehumanize them. Comics, however, offer the most effective counter to this. They are, as much of art is, a powerful anti-venom to the toxic rhetoric filling the screens, blogs, and pages of a media system controlled by a white majority. While it is truly positive to shed light on black superheroes or comic strip characters that live and fight in the bustling metropolises of the U.S. North, it is ever more groundbreaking to reach deep into the soil of the U.S. South for more effective narratives of despair, as well as freedom. Not because the South is a monolith of racism and mistreatment of African Americans, but because it has, like the rest of the United States, a vast and complex history. This history has giv...
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After the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Alfred Hassler wrote a 16-page comic book that explained how it happened, and how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the protestors. It was illustrated by Benton Resnik for free.
One of the most important parts of the grand, long-term vision of the site was the establishment of the Woodland Cemetery Association of Dayton. Its 5 member board of trustees, 4 members and a president, would manage the cemetery by auctioning plots, maintaining grounds, and protecting it from encroachment and vandalism. Woodland is a private, non-profit cemetery. Because of this, it charges for plots for its burials. The money is well spent, however, and ensures the long term care and longevity of the whole site, including personal care of each plot. The funds are used for maintenance of the gravestones, crypts, and monuments, while the majority goes to landscaping and grass cutting. With over 200 acres now under its care, Woodland’s grass-cutting task is enormous in the non-winter seasons. Woodland is following what the founders wanted, a cemetery that is, “for the plot holders and the citizens to enjoy.” [1] The site of Woodland itself also has an interesting geologic history. Ab...
Derek Pridemore Archives have been a part of humanities collective conscious for centuries. In this paper, I plan to explore in what new ways archives are being used, as well as look forward to discover what is next for the profession and the community that uses them as far as further engagement, outreach, usage, and technological improvements to support education for all age groups. Throughout, my paper will focus on how well archives have been utilized by the public in the past, and then analyzing how they are presented and used today by local communities. The future of archives in a diversifying and globalizing twenty first century will also be examined. Technology has revolutionized how communities access archives, yet archival institutions remain largely unchanged on the surface. What is essential for not only the long term survival of archives, but the survival of the idea of their importance to a rapidly changing community, both local and international? What technology is bein...
History is my passion. However, finding my way to museum and archival studies involved a long, winding path. After serving in the Navy, I opened my own business. Unfortunately, the 2008 recession cut short my business career, but it also opened a new door for me. I utilized my G.I. Bill and attended university - where eventually, with the help of its excellent history faculty, I rediscovered my love for a subject I’ve enjoyed since childhood. The enthusiasm of my professors, plus their excellent lessons, inspired me more than anything had in my past. I poured my heart into my schoolwork. I became particularly interested in the history of slavery. In 2015, I explored the history of the Black Loyalists in the American Revolution for a paper. The research I conducted and the stories I learned has stayed with me to this day. Now, I intern in the museum field, and hope to one day have a career in a prominent museum or archive.